Just like the showcase is for the store, so is Instagram for the professional makeup artist. In the window, the store displays its best pieces, the most striking and attractive, in order to make the pedestrian enter the store and take their favorite pieces.
Instagram is an excellent tool to expose your makeup, your brand, you and your love for makeup.
If you want to learn how to use Instagram to attract new customers every day, keep reading this article.

Define your style
It is very important that you define your makeup style, the style that you will promote on your social networks.
Your style is also part of your brand, your signature and you will be known for it.
Example: If you decide to focus on beauty makeup , people will associate this style with you and when they need makeup in that style they will look for you.
Having a well-defined style is what connects you to your client.

Awaken the desire
Once you’ve defined your style, it’s time to arouse your customers’ desire. Make them want to make up with you.
And how does it happen? Think about how brands promote their makeup products. It is almost unanimous that they use models to demonstrate the results of their applied products.
What the client seeks is the result of your makeup on her face.
So you must make up different types of women, with different facial features and age ranges, so that your client projects herself in one of them and has a feeling of how she would be made up for you.
Do this constantly.

Demonstrate the power of your art
One of the most effective strategies to prove to your future client that you are able to “solve her problem”, be it covering acne, camouflaging melasmas, or “enlarging your mouth”, for example, is showing before and after your makeup, so that she can clearly see the benefits of her work, which exactly changed or enhanced with her makeup.

Take selfies with your customers
When people come to your profile, they want to know not only the makeup, but also who does it.
Remember that it is you who will deliver the service, it is you who will make up her, and she wants to know who you are, what you are like, what your face looks like, etc.
Remember that every customer generates an expectation about how the service will be, and when you post pictures smiling next to your makeup clients, you show gratitude, empathy and make your persona want to be there as part of your history and experiencing this moment as well.

Shoot and film, record everything
If you don’t have images, it didn’t happen. This is the modus operandi the internet, you need to show what you do, who your customers are, your results, your routine, how you take care of your materials, in short, you need to expose all of this in your profile so that the person who arrives in it, understand exactly what your world is like and have a preview of the experience she will have if you book a time in her schedule.
Nowadays, people no longer buy “in the dark”, they want as much information, images, videos as possible, and most even seek opinions from other people before they buy.
Look at his profile and try to understand what is the image and message that he is sending to those who do not know you, or know his work.
Are you managing to make people see you exactly as you are?

Instagram is an excellent free tool for any makeup artist who wants to attract more customers, as long as she does it the right way and should never be ignored by those who want to have a busy schedule and a high turnover.If you want help on how to improve your Instagram more and more, don’t miss my content here on the blog and on my profile on IG .