Makeup Artist: How to do makeup faster on clients - Raphael Oliver

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.

Makeup artist: How to do makeup faster on clients

Do you want to know how to speed up your make-up on your customers and triple your turnover? Check out our article.

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.


As we know, the professional makeup artist works by the hour, and the more makeup is done in a day, the higher the revenue.

Of course, we should never sacrifice the quality of the makeup that is delivered to the client or make a call in a hurry, without attention to the client’s needs and without connection.

However, it is possible to preserve all this and still streamline your service, aiming at greater productivity and higher revenue.

If this is a challenge for you, as it has been for a long time for me, I want to share with you some tips that have worked very well for me and may work for you too.

Create a workflow

Something extremely important is to create a workflow, organize a step-by-step that you will follow in all makeup and not keep changing, so that your brain creates a mental route and you don’t have to think too much about what comes before or after for every make-up you do.

Clearly define which products come before and after in the order you like to make up, and follow this workflow every time.

This in addition to bringing a sense of security to you, will create a standardization in the execution time of your makeup.

Organize products strategically

Once you have defined your workflow, also organize the products that you will use to apply this flow, that is, what is the order of steps you will take when making up your clients. Leave everything in a very visual and organized way on your bench.

Use drawers

I particularly love and am adept at using drawers to separate products by categories and order of use. The lotions, makeup remover, thermal water, I like to leave on the counter because they are taller products and because they are the first products I use when making up.

  • In the first session, I like to put creams, bases, various concealers, creamy bases, etc.      
  • In the second session, I put the compact and loose powders, also blushes, bronzers and highlighters. All compact and loose products that are part of the skin preparation process.      
  • In the third session I put eyeshadow palettes and mini containers with mascara, eyeliner, eye pencil, etc., as these are the products I use right after the eyeshadow finishes.      
  • In the fourth session, I put loose pigments, glitters, etc. All the pigments I use to increase the shadows.      
  • In the fifth session, I put the false eyelashes, a box with the glue, tweezers, scissors, etc. Everything I will need to finish the shadow. 
  • In the sixth session, I place several mini containers with the lipsticks separated by color, so it is much easier to find a red, wine or nude lipstick, because I will look in that box, not in an entire drawer in the middle of so many colors of other lipsticks. 

Use blocks of time

Something that made all the difference for me was to separate my service into blocks of time.

For example: If I have 30 minutes to do makeup, I set aside 5 minutes for cleaning and moisturizing the skin, and at the same time that I perform this step, I interview the client to find out what she is looking for and what event she is attending. getting ready to go.

I use another 10 minutes to do the complete skin preparation, and with the other 15 minutes I apply my eyes, eyebrows and lips.

I’ll put it in a more visual way for you:

30 minutes:

  • 5 Min | Cleansing and moisturizing the skin      
  • 10 Min | Skin preparation      
  • 10 Min | Eyebrows and eyes      
  • 5 Min | Lipstick application and finishes      

60 minutes:

  • 5 Min | Cleansing and moisturizing the skin      
  • 15 min | Skin preparation      
  • 25 min | Eyebrows and eyes
  • 15 min | Lipstick application and finishes      

Simplify your process

Simplify your process so that you don’t need countless steps to achieve the desired result for your customers. Discover the style you are going to sell and deliver, and think about how you can do it in the most interesting and simple way possible without ever compromising the result.

Hire assistants

If you really want to serve on a large scale, have assistants, people (trained by you) who can clean and prepare the skin so that you can only do the eyebrows and eyeshadow, so you can double, maybe triple the amount of people you can meet in one day.


It is possible to greatly increase your revenue by streamlining the time you spend serving your customers by applying productivity and planning strategies.

I hope these tips have helped you, and let me know in the comments if you already use any of them.

Bonus: Always leave a 5-minute break between one client and another so that you can have time to drink water, go to the bathroom or make up for a possible delay due to a client who has watered or been late.

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