Did you know that makeup can help with professional image? check out - Raphael Oliver

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.

See how makeup can help with professional image and what are the benefits of working with makeup

In this article you know the power of being put on in the workplace. Discover how makeup can help your professional image by increasing self-confidence, self-esteem, giving you the image you want, and contributing to productivity.

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.


That makeup has the power to beautify you already knew, but did you have any idea of ​​its positive effect on the work environment?

Know that there are several benefits to putting on makeup every day to work and makeup can help a lot in your professional image, whether you work in a physical environment, or if you work over the internet, where you need to “sell” your image.

The effect of makeup on the woman is the same as putting on a heel, automatically she feels more imposing, powerful and it shows.

See how makeup helps in the work routine and what benefits the habit of putting on makeup brings.

Why is makeup important?

Good makeup changes the way other people see us. By raising our self-esteem and self-confidence, we become remarkable for other people, and this improves their perception of us.

This is how the makeup can help in professional image, increasing feelings of esteem for yourself and inspiring the same in others. Who wouldn’t feel good being admired and respected by everyone?

If you don’t know how to put on makeup or if you haven’t professionalized yet, this article is for you. Click here to read 8 steps to choose the professional makeup course that’s right for you.

But if you are already a professional makeup artist, the pressure to do makeup already exists. You are a showcase of your work and people expect it and are inspired by you. Do not see this as a burden, but as an opportunity to draw attention to your work through your own face.

Personal image

The personal image is the way we see ourselves and the impression we give to others. Our way of dressing, posture, habits, gestures and even makeup are part of this.

We are judged in the first 3 seconds of the contract, at that moment, our clothes, accessories, gestures, posture, etc., determine the perception of the other about us immediately.

That is why it is important to pay attention to everything we use, as EVERYTHING communicates something and the makeup is no different. Be careful when putting on makeup especially for the work environment, something wrong on your face can make an unwanted impression. When in doubt, bet on the natural for day to day.

How does makeup influence self-esteem?

Everyone has to agree that the power of self-esteem is enormous!

It makes us more confident, makes us feel capable, encourages self-care with food, health, etc. Everything is interconnected.

It is undeniable that makeup provides an immediate injection of self-esteem and this reflects positively in several areas of life, especially in the work environment, where we need to be healthy and motivated to present a good result.

Self confidence

Seeing yourself more beautiful in the mirror over the days increases people’s self-confidence, making them actually become more productive and confident in their daily lives.

Makeup has that effect on people. Who doesn’t feel good looking in the mirror and seeing beautiful eyelashes, spotless skin and a beautiful lipstick ?!

The strongest features on the face show the woman’s personality, making her more noticed by everyone.


According to studies, women in makeup give the impression of greater competence. Far from having one thing to do with the other, but that is the impression that people have.

Knowing that makeup can help with your professional image, you can use this to your advantage in a job interview, when asking for a promotion, or every day when exposing yourself on social media while interacting with your audience, this will gradually create a personal brand for you.

Make-up in the workplace

Makeup for the work environment is usually cleaner, lighter and more natural, except for those who work at night, where there is the possibility to explore bright colors and sparkles.

However, for day to day, a light and basic makeup is enough to convey an image of cleanliness, health and self-care.

Therefore, bet on a more fluid base that offers a more natural finish, eyelash mask, lipsticks in shades of pink, nudes and peach. Always remember to take it easy on the blush.

With this easy and quick highlighting , every day you will feel more confident and this will reflect directly on your work.


With the habit of putting on makeup, the sunscreen is very easy to remember. Introduce it to your routine and never take it off again, it is an important step to keep your skin healthy and free from blemishes or diseases resulting from overexposure to the sun and very strong lighting.


A makeup routine will not ruin your skin as you may be thinking at the moment. On the contrary, today there are excellent products on the market that in addition to makeup, treat the skin.

In addition, at the end of the day, the skin needs to be made up, washed, toned and hydrated, so it will rest all night and be able to breathe.

Betting on good skincare products , makeup and a good sunscreen, your skin will always be beautiful. Did you already know that makeup can help with professional image? Comment here.

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