Controversy: What is the right order to start makeup?
Many defend the idea of starting with the skin, others with the eyes, who is right in this discussion? Read on to find out.

Skin first vs. eyes first
In my personal experience, since I started my career, I have always adopted skin preparation first, because I feel that when I start with the skin and apply the contouring and lighting techniques, it is easier to think about what to do in the eyes, I feel more inspired and the makeup is more personalized.
However, for some artistic looks, for example, that use many colors, many pigments, or even glitter, it can be interesting to start with the eyes and then prepare the skin.

Pros and cons of starting with the skin
When we start the makeup by the skin, we can apply lotions, beauty waters, oils, moisturizers, etc. without fear, because as the eye makeup is not ready yet, this makes this pre-makeup process much easier. Another positive point is that the finish and connection of the eye makeup to the skin is better.
I notice that the makeup is more homogeneous, without markings.
When we start makeup on the skin, care must be taken when making up the eyes, so as not to drop excess residues on the skin, which can stain and compromise the final result of the makeup.

Pros and cons of starting with the eyes
When we start with the eyes, we are much less concerned with the residues of shadows and pigments that may fall in the region of the eye area, in addition to if the client has sensitivity in the eyes and tendency to water, starting the makeup by the eyes is the most important order. recommended.
Sometimes the look can have a marked appearance, at the junction of the eye makeup with the skin, since after the preparation of the eyes it is necessary to clean the residues that fall with a cotton disc, shank or wet tissue, and this ends up leaving a line defined in the outer corner of the eyelid most of the time.

What order should I choose to start the makeup?
There is no right and wrong. What I recommend is that if you still don’t have a lot of skill in terms of avoiding the drop of shadow residues, etc., or you need to make a look with shadows that crumble a lot or even if the technique is a super elongated cut crease, choose to start through the eyes.
However, if you already have a higher skill level, you can start with the skin, taking some precautions, such as, for example, sealing the area of the eye area well, to prevent possible residues from staining the already prepared skin.

I always say that what matters is the result you get, regardless of the protocol or order you use to make up.
So, run tests and see which method you feel most comfortable with and which one gives you the best result.
In my experience, I use both forms: for classic looks, skin first. As for super daring, artistic looks, with cutouts, I often choose to do the skin afterwards, this makes me more comfortable about possible residues that can stain the skin and also speeds up my process, makes me do it faster.
Anyway, that ‘s it.
Tell me, would you rather make up the eyes or skin first?