
makeup artist career options

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.

Career Options For Makeup Artists

Do you know that have lots of fields that a professional makeup artist can actually act? Discover in this post some of them.

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.


Throughout my 10-year career as an educator, I have had the opportunity to share my experiences, methods and techniques with many students from many places in Brazil and the world and this interaction and exchange of information has always caught my attention due to the infinite possibilities that the career of professional makeup artist provides both for those who are starting now and for those who already work and suddenly want to expand their range of possibilities in the service.

I perceive that each field of activity has an affinity trait with a certain type of personality, personal and lifestyle, etc. It is as if each one seeks a place to fit in better, contribute and be happy doing what they dream and love.

Even when I started, I had no idea how many opportunities the professional makeup market offers far beyond service in beauty salons or at home. And I see that this doubt also hangs in the minds of many students and also followers that I have the opportunity to chat through social networks.

I always indicate that you choose a field of action in which you are free to express yourself, show your art to the fullest potential and connect with people like you. Only then will you feel inspired to give your best and perform your art with passion and purpose.

So, if you want to discover more possibilities that the career of a professional makeup artist provides, come with me to read this article.

01 – Beauty Salon

It offers all the physical structure, schedule management, and support for professional customer service. Besides the client can enjoy the other services of hair, nails, and aesthetics.

02 – Vip Service

Whether at the hotel, at home, or in a private room. There is a demand that seeks comfort and exclusivity, if you like a more Zen vibe, or want to have more control over your schedule, this is a good option.

03 – Photo & Video Studio

If you are creative and like the backstage environment, you can work in production companies in partnership with photographers and videomakers. One advantage is that the demand in this category is not limited to weekends or evening events.

04 – Entrepreneurship

If you have a leadership spirit and like challenges you can decide to undertake. You can have your own beauty studio and professional team.

05- Education

Whether for your personal make-up or professional performance, there is always someone looking for a good educator to teach you something about the art of make-up. If you are communicative and like to teach this is a great option.

06- Beauty Consultant

All a woman searches for when she wants to buy makeup is a seller that understands this universe and a professional makeup artist can be an excellent beauty consultant.

Final tips for you to find the best field to work:

Choose a field of action that allows you to fully exploit your talents.

For example: If you are communicative and like to teach, you can choose education or sales.
Or if you are shyer, you can choose to work with consultations because your relationship is always one to one.

Choose a field of action that will also bring you satisfaction while working.
This way you will be more motivated and excited to always do your best.

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