
Discover how to make money with makeup during the pandemic / quarantine - Raphael Oliver

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.

Quarantine: find out how to make money with makeup during the pandemic and continue to profit even in the crisis

Looking for ideas to make money from pandemic makeup? In this article you'll discover several ways on how to make money with makeup during the pandemic. Discover various sources of income that the profession offers and go through this moment of crisis doing what you love most, and who knows, even rediscovering yourself.

Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist and Makeup Educator. Teach courses globally.


In times of pandemic, people needed to discover new sources of income, either in their area of ​​activity or completely reinventing themselves.

In this scenario, makeup artists were very impacted due to the extinction of events and social distance, which in this way were compelled to think of other options to make money with makeup in the pandemic.

The good news is that there is a solution for everything and the career of makeup artist can and should continue to evolve.

In this article, you discover how to make money from pandemic makeup and maybe even rediscover yourself in ways you never imagined. Check out.Want to know how to make money on makeup on the internet? So come on.

Blog / vlog

The blogs / vlogs are a great source of income, because when monetized becomes possible to include an e-commerce and sell makeup, courses and advertising.

With a web page, you can share career knowledge, makeup tips, products and more. In addition to the earnings opportunities mentioned above, with a blog you increase your exposure and authority as a makeup artist, which can expand your reach and the possibility of being hired by clients and students.For you who are now arriving in this business, click here to read the article: How to make money as a makeup artist


Just like blogs, on YouTube you can earn a lot of money by sharing your knowledge.

There, in addition to making money from visualizations, your exposure and authority also increase, because the more people come to know you and be inspired by your work, the more profitable the business becomes for you.In times of pandemic, people are spending more of their day on the internet, so having an online presence has become more profitable.

Offer courses

The advantage of offering makeup courses is that it can be done with a lot of quality and online.

Teaching online courses is an excellent way to earn money from makeup in the pandemic because of the security that this modality offers.

There is the possibility of closing classes where classes take place via video calls, live classes or videos and support materials can be sent to students.During the pandemic, many people are taking the opportunity to study and improve and you have the great opportunity to take your knowledge forward and still earn (a lot) money with makeup.

Make Live broadcasts

That lives are on the rise, you probably already knew, but did you know that you can use it to sell your courses?

Many people are afraid and ashamed of exposing themselves, which is why overcoming these obstacles will bring you differentiation. Train, rehearse, create guidelines and scripts, so you will have more security to appear live.

And the best thing is that the more you do, the more comfortable you will be and the more positive results you will see.Want to ensure a successful career with makeup? So click here to read the 7 Tips to become a successful makeup artist + checklist to boost your career

Sale of products

Events have slowed, but consumption and makeup has increased significantly during the pandemic as women are putting on makeup themselves.

For those who are already inserted in the world of makeup, it is very feasible to create a parallel business such as the sale of makeup, for example.

There are numerous brands of national and imported makeup that are possible to resell and make several profits. These brands usually also serve hair, nails and makeup accessories, increasing the chances of profits and enabling a more complete service to their customers.

Attendance for photoshoots

Some events like pre wedding and wedding could not be postponed.

Even with the reduced celebrations, many couples did not and will not have the chance to reschedule these events, so they will not be able to go unnoticed.

In more reserved rehearsals like the one where only the photographer and the distant couple work, it is safe to happen, and at that time the makeup services are of paramount importance.

The interesting thing about this service is that in addition to the makeup itself, you can offer follow-up throughout the rehearsal, which will pay off even more. If you do hair you can also offer this service. Complete support.

Alert: Make sure your materials are sanitized and take all other necessary precautions.

Online self-makeup consultancy

It is possible to offer an online self-makeup consultancy, fully focused on the individual characteristics of the student, based on their own materials.

You can charge by the hour or set up specific courses so that the person can have options when hiring.


In difficult times, it is very easy to succumb to difficulties and give up, but never forget that you have the power to reinvent yourself or let the tide take you.

Many companies grew during the pandemic, many were born and many had exponential growth. Atypical situations require creativity and attitude.

So, if you are a makeup artist and found yourself in a dead end with the pandemic, take advantage of these tips on how to make money with makeup in the pandemic and reinvent yourself to go through this moment doing what you love, spreading beauty and self-esteem in that moment that people need it most.

Enjoy and share this article with your makeup friends who are also in need of ideas to earn a lot with professional makeup even during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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